Host Departments


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Does the applicant need a letter of support from the department chair/head?

Yes. The application requires a letter of support from the department chair/head. The letter should describe the value of the applicant's scholarship, integration into department activities, the department's strategic plan and potential to hire the applicant into a tenure-track position and/or identify a potential fit with another University of Minnesota department, if appropriate.

If the applicant is unable to relocate because of family reasons, should s/he still apply?

No. Fellows must be in residence at one of the UMN campuses and preferably at the host department.

What are the expectations for UMN host departments?

Host departments are encouraged to welcome the fellow into the department and make every effort to ensure that the fellow is included in communications about departmental colloquia, seminars and social events. Host departments are expected to provide the fellow with information about salary and benefits and administer the fellow’s research and professional travel funds. Host departments are expected to provide the fellow with access to appropriate office space and routine administrative support such as telephone lines, departmental mail services, libraries and technical support.